Website Cloning
Affordable Website Cloning
When your ‘free’ website building platform isn’t free anymore
Why clone a website?
If you are stuck in a contract with your last web designer or website building platform (such as Wix) and you can’t escape and are spending more than you need to:
- you are afraid of losing your current website, you have spent thousands of pounds on or countless hours building,
- you have found out you don’t own the website you are just renting it.
This is where website cloning comes in, it allows you to clone an old website and we can move it to a WordPress CMS platform.
Once the website has been cloned, you’ll be able to have an almost identical version for a fraction of the cost. You will also own the website and be able to move it any time you want.
You will be able to look forward to a more cost-effective website following the migration of your current site’s content and layout onto WordPress.
We will show you the finished site before we launch it live and so you can check that the site is just as you want it.